Welcome to the home of the Brief text editor famous for
its clean look and legendary keystrokes. Below are some good reasons to make Brief your editor:
- runs inside command prompt windows
- devotes all of the window to your file; no scroll bars, no clutter
- cut and paste lines or columns
- play back repetitive tasks with keystroke macros
- undo as far back as you need
- accepts many keystrokes found in popular programs like edit, notepad and visual studio
- no line length limit
- edit text files formatted for Windows, Unix, Macintosh, and Unicode
- run your compiler and step to each source code error
- split the screen into multiple windows
- find and replace within selected text and use regular expressions
- edit multiple files at once
- the entire product is one small file needing no configuration
- there is lots more so get Brief free
Screen Shots

column marking

compiler demonstration
choose any color combination
see review